Monday, March 7, 2011

GOOD MORNING!!! HAPPY MONDAY!!!! This morning I read an email from Tyler Perry (no he didnt just send it to me, it goes out to millions of people lol) The email talked about his success at the NAACP Image Awards this past weekend. (A special congratulations to my good friend Cornelius Smith Jr for his nomination for Outstanding Actor in a Daytime Drama Series.)

After the Award Show, Tyler Perry hosted a party called "Rise Above It Celebration" dedicated to all of those Actors who would go on 1000 auditions just to book that one job, when all others have to do is make a few phone calls. There were so many great things in this letter that he shared with his guests at the party about pressing forward from negativity and how your thoughts are powerful "As a man thinketh so is he." There is one part I would like to share with you from the letter....Tyler told a story about him living in New Orleans and how his mom would take him 80 miles away on higher ground for safety whenever there would be a Hurricane Warning...(New Orleans is 6 feet below sea level)...he paralleled that to life in genereal...

"In life there will be a lot of things thrown at you. Take them as they come. Some things you fight, but most you dont. Rise above it! Nothing can hurt you when you stay in the high place. Its safe there. And dont worry about your enemies. The 23rd Psalm says "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies", which means, in order for you to eat, then your enemies have to be present! (smile)"

After reading Tyler's letter, I immediately began humming this song....I hope you are my friend Maul would say...GO WIN THE DAY!!!! and while you're at it...GO WIN SOME SOULS!!! :-)

Check Out Some Pictures from the Party Below...

Beautiful Venue

I will be at the Event Next Year.... "Your Thoughts Are Powerful...Remember lol"

........ Im smiling from ear to ear ........

Beautiful Dress Anika!!

One of my favorite Reality Show Couples!!!

This Fool!! Oh Jennifer!! HILARIOUS! LOL