Thursday, December 30, 2010


Welcome Everyone!
I've decided to jump on the bandwagon and blog....Its nothing too intense...just tons of fun. Who knows how long this will last.(My friend William Bryant Miles gave me til February lol)...Im just an ordinary girl from  Detroit  who moved to DC who moved to Philly who moved to Jersey but claims New York because it sounds cool .... Who knows what Ill be blogging about....just stay tuned and keep smiling :-) Here's is a video of me and some of my favorite Detroit Girls being ourselves on the New York Train.


  1. looks like yall pretty gals were having fun! would have loved to been there! not to mention: This is the best damn bloggin' site i've EVER BEEN ON! Shouts go out to my CREATOR! and the creator of this blog site! much love, success, and blessings!
